Crystal Vision
Installing Statesman
TANDEM-110 User Manual R1.8
Selecting audio groups for de-embedding
The status menu is used to select the audio groups chosen for de-embedding or
embedding in addition to displaying SDI and audio signal status, and installed option
The status of all four incoming audio groups in the SDI stream is displayed next to four
select buttons on the left of the SDI 1 and SDI 2 Status menus.
SDI Status for side 1
SDI Status for side 1
Select the group required in the ‘Audio Group In’ section to de-embed or select ‘None’ to
turn de-embedding off for each side.
Selecting the de-embedding mode
Select the appropriate de-embedding format for each side from the following modes:
Sony audio fifo min – fastest processing delay
Sony audio fifo mid – medium processing delay
Sony audio fifo max – slow processing delay
SMPTE/SONY – slowest processing delay - use when input may not be in
Sony format
AES input status
The AES external signal and reference input status is shown using card edge reference
codes. The selection of external audio is made using ‘Audio Output Routing’.