SIMPL™ Windows
"View/Enter Symbol Comment" window
Enter a new descriptive name in the field at the top of the window. A check in the
Show Extended Comment
check box allows for an additional comment to be entered
in the
Extended Comments
field. If unchecked, the
Extended Comments
field is
removed from the window.
When a comment is added to a symbol via the "View/Enter Symbol Comment"
window, the entered text appears in the symbol title bar between the symbol
designation and nomenclature separated by colons (:). The actual extended comment,
if used, does not appear in the symbol title bar. Instead, three periods (…) appear
after the comment in the symbol title bar to disclose that an extended comment has
been implemented.
Programming a System
After the system is built by adding all the necessary Crestron hardware in
Configuration Manager, begin programming the system by working in the
Programming Manager. Program each button function from the system touchpanels
or other user interface devices. Begin by naming the output signals from the user
interface (output signals will already have assigned names if a VisionTools project
has been brought in when configuring a touchpanel in Configuration Manager).
Select the symbol(s) needed for the program in the
Symbol Library
. Drag and drop
the symbols into the
Program View
window. Assign signal names to symbol inputs
and outputs in the
Detail View
Define Signals from User Interface
User interface devices are usually the most convenient place to begin programming.
In a program, button presses (whether from a touchpanel, wired or wireless button
panel, or other interface) are associated with signals. When a button is pressed, the
corresponding signal name is asserted in the control system program. When the
button is released, that same signal is disserted.
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows