Crestron SIMPL™ Windows
In X Series control systems the size of the mailbox is fixed, whereas in the 2 Series
(and pre-X Series) the size varies depending on the amount of memory left over after
the SIMPL Windows program has been uploaded. To display the current capacity of
the mailbox in kilobytes click
Get Available Mailbox Size
on the
menu. This will also display the name of any file that is currently being stored in the
In X Series processors, the contents of the mailbox is deleted whenever a new
program is uploaded to the control system, or a new file is saved to the mailbox.
In 2 Series processors, the contents of the mailbox is deleted only when a new file is
saved to the mailbox; uploading a new program will not erase the file.
Load/Save NVRAM from File
Load/Save NVRAM
commands save and retrieve the contents of NVRAM to a
.nvr file. This is typically used for data backups. By default, the .nvr file is saved to
the SIMPL Windows
Update Control System
Update Control System
command sends system upgrades to the control
processor, including the operating system itself, as well as updates to Monitor ROM
(a set of system-level routines similar to the BIOS) and the TCP/IP stack. Updates
for X Series processors are contained in .upz files; those for 2 Series processors, in
.cuz files. Sometimes upgrades must be extracted from .zip files.
Updates are obtained from the Crestron Web site (registration is required). To
download an update from the Web site, click the file and choose the
Save to Disk
option, then specify the directory where the update will be stored. If the update is
zipped, extract all the zipped files to the same directory and review any "Readme"
documentation before continuing with the upload procedure.
Once the update has been downloaded to the desired directory, the available options
for uploading the files differ depending on the control system.
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows