SIMPL™ Windows
Network Analyzer Graphs
Voltage (V)
The graphs displayed by Network Analyzer display voltage level from -5V to 10V on the Y axis
Time (ms)
The time sample runs from 0 to 6.55ms. along the X axis.
The blue "Y" represents the wire labeled "Y" in a cresnet network.
The red "Z" represents the wire labeled "Z" in a cresnet network.
The gray area of the graph represents when the control processor (rack) is commanding the network.
The white area of the graph represents when the net device that was requested is in control of the
Network Analyzer Analysis
Network Analyzer offers an analysis of the graphs it displays. A brief note is listed in
the bottton right corner of the graph box. If no problems are found, the analysis is
boxed in green. Problems are boxed in red and a detailed explanation is available.
Anaysis displays "No Problems Found" in Green
Analysis displays a brief warning in Red.
To view a comprehensive analysis, click on the
"Delta Y on transmit is too small"
The difference between the maximum voltage on the Y line and the minimum
voltage on the Y line must be > 1.88 volts during transmit.
Possible Cause
This problem can be caused by a faulty network driver in the control system or by a
short circuit between the Y line and either power or ground in the network wiring.
To verify if this problem is due to a faulty network driver, disconnect all network
wires from your control system and repeat the test. If you receive this message again,
you have a problem with your control system. If not, there is a probable short circuit
in your network wiring.
"Delta Z on transmit is too small"
The difference between the maximum voltage on the Z line and the minimum
voltage on the Z line must be > 1.88 volts during transmit.
Possible Cause
This problem can be caused by a faulty network driver in the control system or by a
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows