Software Crestron
SIMPL™ Windows
Indirect Text
Indirect text is a feature where the particular text string that appears on a TouchPanel
button can change, depending on the Signal state. For example, when the user
touches the button to enable it the button might read "Power ON", and when touched
again to disable, it might read "Power OFF".
Symbol inputs allow signals to be connected from other parts of the program.
Depending upon the symbol type, the current state of the input signal(s) may affect
one or more output signal(s).
A unique identity code, ranging from 03 to FE (in hex), given to all devices that
communicate using the Cresnet over IP (CIP) network protocol. Each IP ID is
associated with an IP address, determined by an
IP Table
that resides inside the
control system
IP Table
A table which lists IP IDs and their corresponding IP addresses. This table is
maintained inside each CNX control system, though it may be generated by a SIMPL
Windows program, or edited manually using the Viewport utility.
Logic Symbols
While device symbols allow you to communicate with the outside world, logic
symbols allow you to make your program perform exactly the way you want. Logic
symbols can range from the very basic ones such as the AND, OR, or NOT symbols,
to symbols designed for very special applications.
Multiple Device Selection
SIMPL Windows has the ability to allow programmers to specify the number of
devices with one drag and drop function (right click menu). This is a great time
saving feature when a design calls for 30 TouchPanels! Select the device from the
Device Library, right mouse click, and choose
Add multiple copies of devices…
Network Address
A pattern of bits in IP address format that is shared by all network devices on a given
local network. For example, network address describes the local network
where all devices have an IP address of 192.168.2.x, where x is any value from 1 to
Network ID
The network ID or "net ID" is a unique identifier for every device on a Cresnet
network. It is a two digit hexadecimal number between 03 and FE.
Network View
Network View allows programmers a graphical representation of the entire physical
system. Programmers will see the back of the control system, including empty card
slots and built-in card slots. Network device icons (Cresnet and Ethernet) are
Crestron SIMPL Windows
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C