Software Crestron
SIMPL™ Windows
File Transfer
Send Program
Alt+P Transfers Program to the Control System
Send Touchpanel
Alt+T Sends Touchpanel (.hex file) to Supplied
Network ID
Send File to Mailbox…
Sends a File to the Mailbox Area in the
Cresnet Control System
Get File from Mailbox…
Retrieves Current File from the Mailbox
Load NVRAM from file…
Loads Non-Volatile Data Used with a SIMPL
Save NVRAM to file…
Saves Non-Volatile Data Used with a SIMPL
Update Control System…
Update the Control System's Monitor, OPS,
and/or TCP/IP Stack or Update Using the
.upz 'Package'
Update Operating
Alt+O Sends Selected OPS to the Control System
Update Monitor ROM…
Updates Monitor Low-Level ROM - Used
only by Crestron Technical Support
Update Touchpanel
Sends Touchpanel firmware (.csf file) to
Network ID Supplied
Load Network Device…
Loads a Data File to Support a Network
Update Plug-in Card…
Send New Firware to a Plug-in Card
General File Transfer >
This grouping of commands is used to transfer or receive files from a non-
Crestron system. These are generic file transfer commands, that would be
used with any terminal program. They pertain to data coming and going from
the ViewPort to the serial port on your PC.
Choose File…
Select a File to be Uploaded or Downloaded
ASCII Upload…
Uploads Selected File Using ASCII
ASCII Download…
Transfer ASCII File from the Device
Connected to the PC COM Port
XModem Upload…
Uploads File Using the XMODEM Transfer
XModem Download…
Downloads File Using the XMODEM
Transfer Protocol
XModem 1K Upload…
Uploads File Using the XMODEM 1K
Transfer Protocol
XModem 1K Download…
Downloads File Using the XMODEM 1K
Transfer Protocol
Send SIMPL+ Program to
Loads SIMPL+ to the CEN-OEM
Crestron SIMPL Windows
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728