SIMPL™ Windows
Importing Workshop Programs
Workshop programs can be imported to SIMPL Windows by turning them into a
macro, importing, and converting back into a program. This requires removing all
devices before turning the program into macro. In SIMPL Windows, import the
macro and replace the devices that were removed.
1. Make a backup copy of the Workshop program.
2. In Workshop, remove all the net devices, convert to a CNRACK, and delete all
the plug-in cards.
If the original Workshop program contained macros, SIMPL Windows will
remove any indication of the macros and install all of the code that used to be within
the macros directly into the program. This can become a very tedious when
importing large programs. To preserve macros, import them separately into SIMPL
Windows by following steps 3-5 for each macro.
3. Install a GENERIC symbol in the Workshop program. In the comment section
type “PLACEHOLD”. This symbol will act as a placeholder for the macros
signal names.
4. Comment out the Workshop macro so it does not convert by selecting Alt+F1.
5. Transfer the signal names of the macro to the PLACEHOLD symbol. List the
signal names in the following format:
(Signal names are followed by a coma. The last signal either
output or input, is followed by a semicolon)
6. Install a DEFARGS symbol to make the program into a macro, then convert the
program, a ".imc" file will be produced. Workshop will remind user’s that there
are incomplete symbols and commented out symbols. This is acceptable, click
7. Start SIMPL Windows, choose
File | Import a Workshop Macro
8. Choose
File | Convert To Program
to complete the transfer.
9. Save the program by selecting
File | Save
. Replace the net devices and connect
the necessary signals.
10. In SIMPL Windows select
File | Import a Workshop Macro
. Import the
Workshop macro that was previously commented out. Save the macro as a User
Macro in SIMPL Windows.
11. Select the new User Macro from the SIMPL Windows Symbol Library and drag
it into the imported program.
12. In the imported program copy the signal names from PLACEHOLD symbol to
the new User Macro.
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows