Software Crestron
SIMPL™ Windows
Feature Comparison
The Feature Comparison table presents a list and a brief description of the popular
Workshop feature and the corresponding SIMPL Windows function.
Workshop/SIMPL Windows Comparison Table
DOS Workshop
SIMPL Windows
Programming Language
Symbol Names
Short, non-descriptive symbol
New self explanatory symbol
Viewing Symbols
While programming: can only
view one Symbol at a time
While programming: can view
multiple symbols
Program Testing
Test program by exiting DOS
Workshop and opening debugger
Test Manager is now called from
the program; no longer have to
leave the development tool to test
and debug
Entering Information
Text, variables, and other
information was entered
character by character into fields
Windows drag and drop style &
copy/paste shortcuts
VisionTools for Windows
DOS Workshop and VisionTools
for Windows completely separate
SIMPL Windows integrates with
VisionTools for Windows and
imports VTW projects
Modem Database
Adequate modem database
Extensive modem database in
ViewPort: can set strings, etc.
Program Subsystems
Symbols can now be clustered
and grouped for easy location
and manipulation
Signal Representation
Less consistent approach to
signal inputs/outputs
Signal inputs on left, Outputs on
Signal Type Identifier
Signals color coded: Digital=Blue;
Analog=Red; Other=Black
Test Environment
SAM - Monitors digital signal
Test Manager - Monitors digital,
analog, and serial signal activity
Indirect Text
Programming handled using
separate SDPM Symbol.
Easy to program, handled as part
of the TouchPanel
Signal Name Length
Signal name table would fill up,
names had to be shortened to fit
No limit to signal name length.
Communicating with User Devices
Pass Thru Mode in ViewPort
allows communication with User
Crestron SIMPL Windows
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C