SIMPL™ Windows
Parameter 1000s Exceeds Single Precision (65535, 100%, FFFFh, 582s) in S-1,
Prompt “time”.
Single precision parameter values can be expressed in raw numbers, percentages,
hex, or time, but they are limited to the above values. SIMPL Windows checks
parameters for valid ranges so in practice this error message should never appear.
Required NVRAM Size exceeds 64K.
Symbols can only address NVRAM values 16 bits long. If the NVRAM layout of the
program exceeds 64K, then this error message is issued.
This message can come from 1 of 3 possible places:
A. Two exclusive signals are jammed in the main program.
Signal "out" (S-7, Prompt o1) has a previously defined driving source
In this case, the compiler is telling you what signal name has a problem, and what
gate (S-7) and prompt on that gate (o1) it was on.
B. Two exclusive signals are jammed inside of a macro.
Signal "in1-pulsex" (S-3, Prompt out) in Macro S-3.6 (Macro file
C:\cresvss\usrmacro\bad2.umc) has a previously defined driving source.
In this case, the compiler tells you what symbols (S-3) and prompt on that symbol
(out) within the Macro (specified by its number in the program, S-3.6 and its
filename) the problem occurred.
C. An exclusive from the program is jammed with an exclusive inside of the macro.
Signal "out1", Macro S-3.7 Prompt o1, Internal Macro Symbol S-2 Prompt o1
(Macro file C:\cresvss\usrmacro\good1.umc) has a previously defined driving
In this case, the compiler tells you what macro symbol (S-3.7), the filename of the
macro, and what prompt on the macro the error occurred. It also tells what internal
(S-2) and prompt (o1) inside the macro is actually being jammed and causing the
Internal Memory Allocation Error in Expression Parser.
The compiler could not allocate memory to use data from its configuration files.
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows