Non-Overhaul Removal and Replacement
Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
IOF-240 Series Engine Maintenance Manual
Change 1
31 August 2007
When replacing CHT sensors or fuel injection coils, label and tag the sensor (or coil)
wires for the appropriate cylinder.
Failure to install the CHT sensors or fuel injection coils on the
correct cylinder will result in abnormal engine operation.
Slide a shield splice over the longest wire segment being repaired. Position the shield
splice as far as possible from the wires under repair.
Figure 10-42.
Slide the Shield Splice over the Wiring Harness
Hot air guns are capable of producing levels of heat sufficient
to ignite combustible materials found in the nacelle areas of
most aircraft. Thoroughly clean the work area of any oil or
grease residue. Cap or close all fuel sources. Thoroughly dry
any open fuel spill before using the hot air gun. Shield
components and wiring in proximity to the item being heated.
Insert the two white wires in a solder sleeve, overlapping the stripped ends of the two
wires. Center the middle band of the solder sleeve on the overlapped wires (Figure
10-43) and evenly apply heat to the new splice with a heat gun.
Figure 10-43.
Positioning the Solder Sleeve on the Wires
Repeat step 18 for the trace wire segments. When completed, the solder sleeves
should be staggered on the wiring harness, resembling Figure 10-44.
Figure 10-44.
Solder Sleeves Shrunk to Fit
Center the shield splice over the spliced wires. The braided shield within the splice
should contact the exposed wiring harness shielding.
Apply heat to the center of the shield splice sleeve until the solder melts and the
shield and tube shrink. Figure 10-45 shows a completed splice.