Compaq ProLiant ML330 Setup and Installation Guide
Compaq Confidential – Need to Know Required
Donna Hollas
Compaq ProLiant ML330 Setup and Installation Guide
Part Number:
File Name:
f-ch5 Server Configuration and Utilities.doc
Last Saved On:
1/17/00 4:23 PM
Installing Survey
Installing Survey with SmartStart Installation
To install the Compaq Survey Utility through the SmartStart Setup process,
refer to the SmartStart Installation Poster
This method installs an operating
system and Compaq products on a server. Do not use this method to add the
Compaq Survey Utility to an existing system.
Installing Survey from Compaq Management CD
To install the Compaq Survey Utility from the Compaq Management CD on a
Windows NT server, you must be logged on to the Windows NT server with
administrator access rights. Once you are logged on, enter the following at the
Windows NT command prompt:
[CD-ROM DRIVE]:\Survey\Win-NT\Eng\Survey -i -c
If the target server does not have a CD drive, use Diskette Builder to create
Survey Utility diskettes.
To install the Compaq Survey Utility from the Compaq Management CD on a
NetWare server, enter the following at the NetWare system prompt:
Load [CD-ROM DRIVE]:\Survey\Netware\Eng\Sinstall
Running Survey
Once the Compaq Survey Utility is installed, it gathers information by default
every Wednesday at noon and at every power-up. You can change the Compaq
Survey Utility data-gathering interval using command line parameters. You
can also force a one-time, immediate collection.
If you want the Compaq Survey Utility to perform a one-time immediate
collection on a Windows NT server, enter the following at the Windows NT
command prompt: Survey
If you want the Compaq Survey Utility to perform a one-time immediate
collection on a NetWare server you need to unload the utility, then reload it.
Enter the following at the NetWare system prompt: Unload Survey
Unload Survey
Unload Survey
Unload Survey
At the next NetWare system prompt, enter the following: Load Survey
Load Survey
Load Survey
Load Survey
You can also change the Compaq Survey Utility data-gathering interval using
command line parameters.