Of particular interest in the error report is the Full Description of the error. If
Compaq Analyze is able to determine what failed on the machine, it gives a full
description of the failing FRU and its location. In this case the upper system fan is
identified as the failing part and its location is given.
Evidence provided depends upon the type of error detected. The types of errors
detected are given in Table 2-2. The evidence section of the Compaq Analyze report
provides information that lead the tool to identify the failing FRU and its location. For
more information, see the Regatta Platform Fault Management Specification.
Table 2-2 Types of Errors
Error Event
MCHK 670
Processor Machine checks. These are synchronous errors that
inform precisely what happened at the time the error occurred.
They are detected inside the CPU chip and are fatal errors.
MCHK 660
System machine checks. These are asynchronous errors that are
recorded after the error has occurred. Data on exactly what was
going on in the machine at the time of the error may not be
known. They are fatal errors.
MCHK 630
Processor correctable errors.
MCHK 620
System correctable errors.
MCHK 682 - 685
System environment failures that require repair (power supply
failure, system fan failure, overtemperature condition).
MCHK 687
Redundant power supply failure.