AlphaServer DS20 Service Manual
Updating Firmware from Floppy Disk — Performing the
Insert an update diskette (see Section C.1.2) into the floppy drive. Start LFU and select
dva0 as the load device.
Example C–5 Updating Firmware from the Floppy Disk
***** Loadable Firmware Update Utility *****
Select firmware load device (cda0, dva0, ewa0), or
Press <return> to bypass loading and proceed to LFU: dva0
Please enter the name of the options firmware files list, or
Press <return> to use the default filename [AS1400IO,(AS1400CP)]: AS1400IO
Copying AS1400IO from DVA0 .
Copying TCREADME from DVA0 .
Copying CIPCA214 from DVA0 .
Copying DFPAA252 from DVA0 ...
Copying KZPSAA11 from DVA0 ...
. [The function table displays, followed by the UPD> prompt, as
. shown in Example C–3.]
UPD> list
Device Current Revision Filename Update Revision
Fsb 3.1-x fsb_fw 3.x
Nt 5.68 nt_fw 5.xx
Pkx0 A11 kzpsa_fw A11
Srm 5.4-x srm_fw 5.4-xx
Pua A214 cipca_fw A2xx