AlphaServer DS20 Service Manual
The quit command exits the user from command mode and reconnects the serial
terminal to the system console port. The following message is displayed:
Focus returned to COM port
Upon entering a carriage return, the system returns to either the console or the
operating system depending upon which was running when the RCM was invoked.
The reset command requests the RCM to reset the hardware. The reset command is
equivalent to pressing the Reset button on the control panel.
Focus returned to COM port
The following events occur when the reset command is executed:
The system restarts and the system console firmware reinitializes.
The console exits RCM command mode and reconnects the serial terminal or
console monitor to the system COM1 serial port.
The system executes its normal power-up sequence.
The setesc command resets the default escape sequence for invoking RCM. The
escape sequence can be any character string. A typical sequence consists of 2 or
more characters, to a maximum of 15 characters.
NOTE: Be sure to record the new escape sequence. Although the factory defaults
can be restored if you forget the escape sequence, this requires resetting the EN
RCM switch on the RCM switchpack.
The following escape sequence consists of 5 iterations of the Ctrl key and the letter
If the sequence entered exceeds 15 characters, the command fails with the message:
*** ERROR ***
When changing the default escape sequence, avoid using special characters that are
used by the system’s terminal emulator or applications.
Control characters are not echoed when entering the escape sequence. Use the status
command to verify the complete escape sequence.