Inputs for measurement of thermocouple (except thermocouple type B) have compensation of cold
junction temperature inside of data logger. Compensation temperature is measured on data logger
motherboard between terminals for channel 8 and channel 9. Value of this temperature is converted to
thermoelectric voltage and added to value of thermoelectric voltage measured by thermocouple. Result is
converted to temperature again, which is resulting measured temperature. If using thermocouples operate
data logger in working position with input signal terminals towards down and do not install heat sources in
the neighborhood.
Input for temperature measurement by thermocouple „K“
Measured value:
temperature measured thermocouple type K (NiCr-Ni)
200..1300) °C
Accuracy (without probe):
± (0.3 % from measured value + 1,5 °C)
Cold junction:
compensated at temperature range (0..50) °C
Input terminals:
IN and COM
Input for temperature measurement by ther
mocouple „J“
Measured value:
temperature measured thermocouple type J (Fe-Co)
200..750) °C
Accuracy (without probe):
± (0.3 % from measured value + 1,5 °C)
Cold junction:
compensated at temperature range (0..50) °C
Input terminals:
IN and COM
Input for temperature measurement by thermocouple „S“
Measured value:
temperature measured thermocouple type S (Pt10%Rh-Pt)
(0..1700) °C
Accuracy: (without probe):
± (0.3 % from measured value + 1,5 °C)
Cold junction:
compensated at
temperature range (0..50) °C
Input terminals:
IN and COM
Input for temperature measurement by thermocouple „B“
Measured value:
temperature measured thermocouple type B (Pt30%Rh-Pt)
(100..1800) °C
Accuracy (without probe):
± (0.3 % from measured value + 1 °C) at range (300..1800)°C
Cold junction:
not compensated
Input terminals:
IN and COM
Input for temperature measurement by thermocouple „T“
Measured value:
temperature measured thermocouple type T (Cu-CuNi)
200..400) °C
Accuracy (without probe):
± (0.3 % from measured value + 1,5 °C)
Cold junction:
compensated at temperature range (0..50) °C
Input terminals:
IN and COM
Input for temperature measurement by thermocouple „N“
Measured value:
temperature measured thermocouple type N (NiCrSi-NiSiMg)
200..1300) °C
Accuracy (without probe):
± (0.3 % from measured value + 1,5 °C)
Cold junction:
compensated at temperature range (0..50) °C
Input terminals:
IN and COM