Basic items in menu program
Item menu File:
reading stored file from disk to the program and display data in to the table.
Data in files are stored on disk in a special binary format, which is not compatible with standard
formats. In case, value in table is not available or is not correct, error message is displayed
information see in Appendix No. 7
reading data from data logger
After this selection window for selection of data logger is displayed (if there are more than one) ,
user can select name of file, where data will be stored and after if data logger will be erased after
data transfer
configuration of the printer
configuration of program Options
only in optional version of program
configuration of language localization
logout of user
only in optional version of program
Item menu Show:
displays measured values, can be set different numbers of channels. Exports to dbf and xls
format are available
only in optional version of program
Event viewer
here actions are stored run by the SW with data logger and theirs result
Item menu Configuration:
Data logger settings
detailed description will follow
Erase data logger memory
after confirmation erasing is performed
Reset counter inputs and erase memory - this selection is not valid for data logger MS6D, MS6R.
Reading configuration from file
reads configuration from already downloaded file with data
record. Configuration can be stored back to data logger or to the file.
Deactivate alarm signalisation
if it’s enabled, it is possible to cancel activity of ALARM OUT
output remotely from the PC.
Communication settings
you can find configuration description in the Appendix no. 3.
Item of menu Display - online visualization of measured values on the computer, reading interval can be set
in section File-Options, bookmark Display (in basic version it is fixed to 10s, in optional version can be
set from 10 s). In suitable configuration the mode can be shared on several computers. See