RS485 network address
relevant in communication via RS485, each data logger in the network
must have different address!
Data logger responds to incoming SMS messages
if data logger is connected to GSM modem,
you can get actual measured values and alarm states by sending SMS from mobile telephone to
number of modem. Data logger reacts on this text of received SMS messages: Info, Alarm, Ch1 to
Ch16, Set1 to Set16, Clr1 to Clr16. For more details see chapter
Data logger sends SMS message when selected alarms are activated
if data logger is connected
to GSM modem, you can assign one to four phone numbers to each alarm states warning SMS
message containing description of created alarm is sent to.
Datalogger sends scheduled SMS - if data logger is connected to GSM modem, then it can send
scheduled SMS messages (information that system works correctly) to the selected phone numbers
at specified hour and days per week. This feature is available for FW version 6.3.0 and later.
Quick and reliable SMS message delivery depends on quality of GSM network. Data logger has no
information on credit on the SIM card. Use suitable tariff.
Features and settings of data logger Ethernet interface:
If data logger has installed and enabled Ethernet interface, then functions of this interface can be set at the
right part of the window. Always contact your network administrator with setting of IP address, gate
address and subnet mask to get correct values. Be very careful in network settings. Incorrect adjustment can
cause data logger inaccessibility, conflict in network or other complications.
It is possible to set:
IP address of data logger
it must be unique address in your network, assigned by your network
administrator (if you use DHCP, tick this selection, address then will be presented as
IP address of gateway
address of gateway or router, providing communication with other LAN
segments. Address of gateway must be at the same network segment as data logger.
Mask of subnetwork
defines range of possible IP addresses in local network, e.g.
Size of MTU
size of packets, default is 1400 bytes. It is possible to lower it with some networks.
Sending of warning e-mails - if ticked, warning e-mails will be sent to below specified addresses
Sending of traps - if ticked, warning SNMP traps will be sent to below specified addresses
SysLog - if ticked, warning messages will be sent to below address of SysLog server
Web enabled
if ticked, www pages of data logger will be created
if ticked, actual measured values will be sent to below address of SOAP server (in mode
Bookmark Email (1):
IP address of SMTP server - If needed to send e-mails by the data logger, it is necessary to set
correctly the address. Administrator of your network or your internet provider gives you the value of
the address.
SMTP autentization - Setting of user name and password for login to server sending e-mails.
Bookmark Email (2):
Recipient of e-mails 1-3 - e-mail addresses of recipients. E-mails will be sent to those addresses in
case of selected alarms
Sender - enables to set addresses of the e-mail sender. Selection Original sender sets sender name to
<data logger name>@IP address
Send testing e-mail - sends testing e-mails to selected addresses
Bookmark SNMP: