Change of data logger RS485 address
Press ENTER key to enter address selection. By means of
keys select new address and press ENTER key to
confirm selection. This selection is available only for active
RS485 interface.
Change of data logger IP address
Press ENTER key to enter selection of data logger IP address.
First position blinks. Select desired digit by means of arrow
. Press ENTER to go to next position. After
editing the last position new data logger address is stored.
This selection is available only for active Ethernet interface.
Be careful in IP address setting. Incorrectly set address can
cause network conflict or other complications. Always consult
IP address setting with network administrator.
Change of gate IP address
Setting is analogical as for IP address. This selection is
available only for active Ethernet interface.
Be careful in gate IP address setting. Incorrectly set gate
address can cause network conflict or other complications.
Always consult IP address setting with network administrator.
Change of network mask
Press ENTER key to enter selection of network mask. Select
desired network mask by means of arrow keys
. Press
ENTER to store mask to data logger. Network mask is displayed as Default. This selection is
available only for active Ethernet interface.
Be careful in network mask setting. If not necessary, do not
change Default value. Incorrectly set network mask can cause
data logger inaccessibility. Always consult network mask
setting with network administrator.
Logger address
in net: 02
IP address:
192.168. 1.211
Gate IP address:
0. 0. 0. 0
Mask IP address: