Use menu item Configuration
Datalogger configuration to configure data logger parameters. After
reading of configuration window is displayed with several bookmarks.
When changing configuration of data logger, all recorded data erasing can be required by the
Bookmark Common
enter data logger name
maximum length is 16 characters, use letters (no diacritic marks),
digits, underline.
A folder under this name is created in computer, to store downloaded files with recorded
data in. Data logger name is displayed on the display after switch on and is available in data
logger Menu. The name is used for identification in user SW.
check if Date and time in data logger is set correctly
if you need to define names and rights users of the system including protection of
communication, then switch on Datalogger security On/Off and define each system user.
if you need to assign PIN codes to users for theirs identification in canceling of alarm
signalization or optionally other rights, do it in window User account
Details (available
due to Users and password button and option Properties) and switch on Alarm
confirmation by PIN1 and create new PIN code. If using system of security with PIN,
always will be required PIN code after Confirmation of alarm signalization and Condition
setting from PC.
if you need to secure some menu items of data logger against arbitrary overwriting, tick
proper selection and enter PIN2. This PIN2 is different from users PIN.
If you use Users and password and forget the User name or password, then it is
not possible to recover the communication in simple way!
if you will need to mark parts of record with your notes during operation from data logger
keyboard, use Processes. More detailed description is specified in chapter
if you will use alarm output ALARM OUT, define, if and how data logger user can cancel its
activity. If you need to identify person, alarm was cancelled by, proceed in accordance with
Bookmark Communication
Here you can set:
Data logger communication interface - you can change the type of used data logger
communication interface
Change of communication interface can cause after storing data logger configuration
you would have to physically connect via this interface and change data in
Communication setting. The change of communication interface and communication
parameters setting can be performed directly from data logger keyboard.
preset value is 115 200 Bd. If you use classic connection via RS232 (COM port), then
this is the highest available speed. For USB connection you can use higher speed (in case it is
supported by data logger). For Ethernet interface cannot be changes. For RS485 with larger
networks a need to decrease the speed can appear.