Recipient of trap 1
3: IP addresses of recipients of SNMP traps.
Password for reading - setting of password for access to SNMP MIB tables.
Send testing trap - sends testing trap of 6/0 type to specified IP addresses.
Bookmark Web
Refresh - refresh time of automatic pages reading (update of displayed measured
values). Range 10-65535 s.
TCP port, built-in WEB server will be receiving queries. Default value is 80.
Bookmark Syslog
IP address of SysLog server 1-3
IP address of servers, messages are sent to.
Send test message
sends test Syslog message to specified servers
Bookmark SOAP
IP address of SOAP server
IP address of server, on-line measured values, messages with data
logger and alarms state are sent to (similar to the „Display“ mode)
Target web page
name of pages, where server has running script for incoming message processing
Source port
port number, data logger sends SOAP message from. Default set to 8080
Target port
port of server, where SOAP message is expected
Sending interval
how often data logger sends data to server
Bookmark Profile
Cyclic record
if it is not ticked, then after fulfilling of memory data record ends. Measurement
and evaluation of alarms continues. If it is ticked, then after fulfilling of memory
oldest data are overwriting with newest.
Alternative record times
record must not run in fixed time intervals, but it is enabled also to
define up to four times in day, when measured values will be stored.
language localization of fixed messages on data logger LCD. It does not concerns
language localization of program
Alarm signalization
alarms can also be signalized acoustically or by ALARM OUT output.
Signalization of alarm can be deactivated (cancelled) by the user, if it is enabled. It can be done in
several ways:
by pressing of the ENTER key on data logger
by means of data logger menu with possibility to require PIN of user
remotely from the computer
In case alarm which activated the signalization is cancelled and appears again, signalization is
activated again. Confirmation (deactivation) of signalization simultaneously refers to internal
audible indication and to ALARM OUT output. For newer FW versions other options are available
if there is a need to indicate acoustically some alarms directly in data logger, tick Internal acoustic
alarm signalization and specify for each alarm, if alarm is indicated this way.
If there is a need to activate ALARM OUT output, tick ALARM OUT and specify for each alarm,
if alarm is indicated this way.
changes of ALARM OUT output state can be recorded and it is enabled consequently to identify the
user canceling the alarm by means of Administration of users and passwords.
if there is a need to record changes of all alarm states, tick selection Recording of ALARM OUT
state changes and Recording of all alarms changes
if there is a need to indicate acoustically the state of memory occupation, tick this selection
SMS phone number list
if you use sending of SMS messages after alarm creation, then enter here
telephone numbers for sending messages. Enter numbers in international format with country code,
e.g. 0049... or +49....