Parameters that are status information only appear in greyed in the
The Central Receiver controller has 4 main fields. These are shown
Field Meaning
Three of the four fields are permanently displayed
Advanced Field: This field is permanently displayed, and
contains options such as E = ‘Engineering’ and L = Licensing
and P = ‘Polling’. Buttons in this field should only be employed
by users that have attended a domo training course.
Connection Field: This field is permanently displayed. The use
of this field has already been described. Should control
connection be lost at any stage, then the connected status will
change to
Not Connected
, and the user should attempt to
reconnect using the connect button.
The Control Field. The parameters displayed in this field vary
according to which of the seven tabs is selected. The tabs
logically describe the seven functions of the central receiver.
Users should select an appropriate tab to be presented with the
parameters for that function.
The Status Field: This field is permanently displayed and gives
the user instant status on the four receivers within the central
receiver. The alarm status is described further below.
Advanced Field
Control Field
Status Field