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page 88 of 120 RANGEFINDER
The rangefinder menu contains all settings related to the use of rangefinders. This consists
Autofocus (status)
AF ramp mode*
AF ramp time*
AF ramp speed*
Laser pointer
Distance predict**
Stealth mode
* RANGE license key required
** available with cmotion cvision focus assist only
The offset menu allows you to input an offset measurement between the rangefinder’s
sensor and the camera’s sensor.
How to preceed:
Measure the distance from the datum line of the rangefinder to the sensor plane of your
camera and enter the measured distance into the offset menu using the thumb wheel.
Confirm by pressing select.
Note: If the rangefinder is mounted in front of the camera´s sensor plane, enter a positive
value. If the rangefinder is mounted behind the camera´s sensor plane enter a negative value.
The limit menu allows you to define your range of interest. If in AF mode, autofocus will
only be active within this range.
How to preceed:
limit max:
- use the thumb wheel to enter a far distance limit
- press next in order to switch to the next digits or to limit min
- press select in order to confirm your settings
Note: If in AF mode, focus will not be adjusted for measurements beyond limit max.
limit min:
- use the thumb wheel to enter a close distance limit
- press next in order to switch to the next digits or to limit max
- press select in order to confirm your settings
Note: If in AF mode, focus will not be adjusted for measurements below limit min.