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Export ARRI lens
The export ARRI lens menu allows you to export lens files .cml from the cPRO / cPRO
PLUS or cPRO ONE hand unit’s internal memory as .tap - files for use with ARRI WCU-4.
Note: In order to export lens files (.tap), a USB stick formated in ExFAT or FAT32 needs to
be inserted in the USB slot on the back side of the cPRO / cPRO PLUS or cPRO ONE hand
unit. The USB drive will be recognized and mounted automatically. The “Export ARRI lens”
feature requires a DATA license key. Please also refer to section “ Licenses” on
To help find the correct lens file quickly, UB2 allows you to change the display order of
your lens files using the following categories:
custom text, the name which was assigned to each lens file when it was created.
focal length or zoom range, the focal length or zoom range which was assigned
to each lens file when it was created.
T-stop, the open T-stop which was assigned to each lens file when it was created.
UB3 allows you to activate and deactivate advanced lens information. This will display
information about your lens file including manufacturer, serial number, weather the file
was created from a duplicate file, whether it was created as a metric or imperial lens, and
whether it is selected as one of your “favorites”. While viewing advanced lens information,
you can use the thumb wheel to scroll through the lens files.
Press select (MB2) and the selected lens file will turn green. You can select or unselect
multiple lens files one after another or select and unselect all. Press export in order to
export the selected lens files. The lens files will be exported without further confirmation
Note: If a lens file with the same name already exist on the USB drive, a counter will be
added to the lens file name, e.g. (1).
Lens view
The lens view menu allows you to change the size of the FIZ scales for the GUI in the main
screens to small medium or large.
medium large