All content © 2020, cmotion GmbH. All specifications are subject to change without further notice.
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Touch screen
The touch screen menu allows you to turn the touch screen on (unlock) or off (lock). A
small red lock will be displayed in the status bar on all main screens. The letter “D” for
Display will illuminate each time you press the locked touch screen.
Note: The touch screen will be locked for all main screen navigation only. Within the
adjustement menu, the touch screen will be unlocked automatically to allow smooth
navigation. In order to enter the adjustment menu, if the touch screen is locked, press the
home button twice.
Stealth mode all
The stealth mode all menu allows you to turn the stealth mode on or off for all connected
LBUS devices. If stealth mode is on, the illumination on all connected LBUS devices will
turn off. (i.e. if the camera angle is critical because of camera reflection in the picture).
Power save
The power save feature allows you to set a (10 second, 30 second, 1 minute or 5 minute)
timer. The cPRO hand unit will then switch to power save mode after the determined
period of inactivity. While in power save mode, the display and all illuminated buttons and
controllers will be dimmed or turned off. The HOME button will however pulse to indicate
the hand unit is in power save mode. Even during power save mode, the RF connection to
the cPRO motor / cPRO camin remains active. The internal gyro allows you to deactivate
the power save mode and return to full control immediately by simply picking up the hand
unit, turning a control, or pressing any of the buttons. Power save mode can save up to
50% of the battery life compared to when the hand unit is fully illuminated. To deactivate
power save mode, simply set power save to off.
User profiles
The user profile menu allows you to save and load user settings to and from the hand
unit´s internal memory or a USB drive. The menu consists of:
Save to USB
A user profile is a snapshot of all the settings active on the cPRO hand unit at the time
the profile is created. This includes the active lens file, pre-marked rings, pre-marked iris
strip and button assignment.