Page 122 SteamCraft 10 Service Manual, Chapter 6 Models 24-CGA-10 and 24-CEA-10
IT:4-11 Do the heater contactors and heaters shut off when the key pad display reaches zero?
Repeat Phase 4 tests IT 4-6 through IT 4-11 for the lower compartment control panel.
1. Observe the upper compartment timer is set to the zero (00:00) setting.
2. Cool the water in the steam generator to preheat temperature by running a
partial blowdown cycle.
a. Set the ON/OFF switch to the OFF position for one minute. This will
drain about a half of the hot water from the steam generator.
b. Set the ON/OFF switch back to the ON position. This will replace the
drained hot water with cool water.
3. Perform Phase 4 electronic timer testing using the lower compartment
control panel.
Phase 4 testing is complete for units with Electronic Key Pad Timer Control Panels.
Printed 3/93
Cleveland Range, Inc.
Replace the Timer