Page 106 SteamCraft 10 Service Manual, Chapter 6 Models 24-CGA-10 and 24-CEA-10
2. Check the relay R4 according to the relay testing instructions in Component
Testing Fundamentals.
3. If the preheat thermostat and relay R4 are functioning property, test the Steam
Relief Valve according to component test
IT:3-5 Does steam enter the cooking compartment after the burners have been on for a few minutes?
The normally closed compartment steam valve opens when the
TIMED/MANUAL switch is set to MANUAL. This valve allows steam to enter the
cooking compartment. After the steam generator has begun steaming, a steady flow
of steam constantly fills the cooking compartment.
Failure of either the compartment steam valve or the steam relief valve can prevent
proper steam flow into the cooking compartment.
1. Check for blockage in the plumbing between the cooking compartment and the
steam generator.
2. If not already done in test 11:3-4, check the steam relief valve according to
component test
3. Check the compartment steam valve according to component test
Repeat all of the Phase 3 tests through IT:3-5 for the lower compartment.
1. Set the upper compartment TIMED/MANUAL switch to the TIMED position.
2. Cool the water in the steam generator to preheat temperature by running a partial
blowdown cycle.
a. Set the ON/OFF switch to the OFF position for one minute. This will drain
about a half of the hot water from the steam generator.
b. Set the ON/OFF switch back to the ON position. This will replace the drained
hot water with cool water.
3. Perform Phase 3 testing using the lower compartment control panel.
Phase 3 testing is complete. Proceed to Phase 4 testing.
Printed 3/93
Cleveland Range, Inc.