Catalyst 6000 Family Software Configuration Guide—Releases 6.3 and 6.4
Chapter 5 Configuring Ethernet VLAN Trunks
Example VLAN Trunk Configurations
Step 12
On Switch 2, change the port-VLAN priority for the Group 2 VLANs on Trunk 2 (port 1/2) to the same
value you configured for those VLANs on Switch 1 by entering the
set spantree portvlanpri
Switch_2> (enable)
set spantree portvlanpri 1/2 1 40
Port 1/2 vlans 1-39,41-1004 using portpri 32.
Port 1/2 vlans 40 using portpri 1.
Port 1/2 vlans 1005 using portpri 4.
Switch_2> (enable)
set spantree portvlanpri 1/2 1 50
Port 1/2 vlans 1-39,41-49,51-1004 using portpri 32.
Port 1/2 vlans 40,50 using portpri 1.
Port 1/2 vlans 1005 using portpri 4.
Switch_2> (enable)
set spantree portvlanpri 1/2 1 60
Port 1/2 vlans 1-39,41-49,51-59,61-1004 using portpri 32.
Port 1/2 vlans 40,50,60 using portpri 1.
Port 1/2 vlans 1005 using portpri 4.
Switch_2> (enable)
When you have configured the port-VLAN priorities on both ends of the link, the spanning
tree converges to use the new configuration.
Step 13
Check the spanning tree port states on Switch 1 by entering the
show spantree
command. The Group 1
VLANs should forward on Trunk 1 and block on Trunk 2. The Group 2 VLANs should block on Trunk 1
and forward on Trunk 2.
Switch_1> (enable)
show spantree 1/1
Port Vlan Port-State Cost Priority Fast-Start Group-method
--------- ---- ------------- ----- -------- ---------- ------------
1/1 1 forwarding 19 32 disabled
1/1 10 forwarding 19 1 disabled
1/1 20 forwarding 19 1 disabled
1/1 30 forwarding 19 1 disabled
1/1 40 blocking 19 32 disabled
1/1 50 blocking 19 32 disabled
1/1 60 blocking 19 32 disabled
1/1 1003 not-connected 19 32 disabled
1/1 1005 not-connected 19 4 disabled
Switch_1> (enable)
show spantree 1/2
Port Vlan Port-State Cost Priority Fast-Start Group-method
--------- ---- ------------- ----- -------- ---------- ------------
1/2 1 blocking 19 32 disabled
1/2 10 blocking 19 32 disabled
1/2 20 blocking 19 32 disabled
1/2 30 blocking 19 32 disabled
1/2 40 forwarding 19 1 disabled
1/2 50 forwarding 19 1 disabled
1/2 60 forwarding 19 1 disabled
1/2 1003 not-connected 19 32 disabled
1/2 1005 not-connected 19 4 disabled
Switch_1> (enable)
Figure 5-4
shows the network after you configure VLAN traffic load sharing.