Catalyst 6000 Family Software Configuration Guide—Releases 6.3 and 6.4
Chapter 21 Configuring Switch Access Using AAA
Configuring Authentication
Login Authentication: Console Session Telnet Session
--------------------- ---------------- ----------------
tacacs disabled disabled
radius enabled(primary) enabled(primary)
local enabled enabled
Enable Authentication: Console Session Telnet Session
---------------------- ----------------- ----------------
tacacs disabled disabled
radius enabled(primary) enabled(primary)
local enabled enabled
Radius Deadtime: 0 minutes
Radius Key: Secret_RADIUS_key
Radius Retransmit: 4
Radius Timeout: 10 seconds
Radius-Server Status Auth-port
----------------------------- ------- ------------ primary 1812
Console> (enable)
Specifying the RADIUS Deadtime
You can configure the switch so that, when a RADIUS server does not respond to an authentication
request, the switch marks that server as dead for the length of time specified by the deadtime. Any
authentication requests received during the deadtime interval (such as other users attempting to log in to
the switch) are not sent to a RADIUS server marked dead. Configuring a deadtime speeds up the
authentication process by eliminating timeouts and retransmissions to the dead RADIUS server.
If you configure only one RADIUS server, or if all of the configured servers are marked dead, the
deadtime is ignored because there are no alternate servers available.
To set the RADIUS deadtime, perform this task in privileged mode:
This example shows how to specify the RADIUS deadtime interval and verify the configuration:
Console> (enable)
set radius deadtime 5
Radius deadtime set to 5 minute(s)
Console> (enable)
show radius
Login Authentication: Console Session Telnet Session
--------------------- ---------------- ----------------
tacacs disabled disabled
radius enabled(primary) enabled(primary)
local enabled enabled
Enable Authentication: Console Session Telnet Session
---------------------- ----------------- ----------------
tacacs disabled disabled
radius enabled(primary) enabled(primary)
local enabled enabled
Step 1
Specify the RADIUS server deadtime interval.
set radius deadtime
Step 2
Verify the RADIUS configuration.
show radius