Catalyst 6000 Family Software Configuration Guide—Releases 6.3 and 6.4
Chapter 40 Configuring Multicast Services
Configuring IGMP Snooping
This example shows how to enable IGMP rate limiting:
Console> (enable)
set igmp ratelimit enable
IGMP Ratelimiting enabled
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the IGMP rate limit for MOSPF2 to 550 packets per every 30 seconds:
Console> (enable)
set igmp ratelimit mospf2 550
MOSPF2 Watermark set to allow 550 messages in 30 seconds
Console> (enable)
Enabling IGMP Fast-Leave Processing
To enable IGMP fast-leave processing, perform this task in privileged mode:
This example shows how to enable IGMP fast-leave processing and verify the configuration:
Console> (enable)
set igmp fastleave enable
IGMP fastleave set to enable.
Console> (enable)
show igmp statistics
IGMP enabled
IGMP fastleave enabled
IGMP statistics for vlan 1:
Total valid pkts rcvd: 18951
Total invalid pkts recvd 0
General Queries recvd 377
Group Specific Queries recvd 0
MAC-Based General Queries recvd 0
Leaves recvd 14
Reports recvd 16741
Other Pkts recvd 0
Queries Xmitted 0
GS Queries Xmitted 16
Reports Xmitted 0
Leaves Xmitted 0
Failures to add GDA to EARL 0
Topology Notifications rcvd 10
Console> (enable)
Displaying Multicast Router Information
When you enable IGMP snooping, the switch automatically learns to which ports a multicast router is
Step 1
Enable IGMP fast-leave processing on the switch.
set igmp fastleave enable
Step 2
Verify that IGMP fast-leave processing is
show igmp statistics