Catalyst 6000 Family Software Configuration Guide—Releases 6.3 and 6.4
Chapter 21 Configuring Switch Access Using AAA
Accounting Example
Accounting Example
Figure 21-5
shows a simple network topology using .
When Workstation A initiates an accountable event on the switch, the switch gathers event information
and forwards the information to the server at the conclusion of the event. Accounting information is
gathered at the conclusion of the event. Accounting is suspended for unknown users and the system is
updated every 120 minutes.
Figure 21-5 Example Network Topology
In this example, accounting is enabled for connection, exec, system, and all command
Console> (enable)
set accounting connect enable stop-only
Accounting set to enable for connect events in stop-only mode.
Console> (enable)
set accounting exec enable stop-only
Accounting set to enable for exec events in stop-only mode.
Console> (enable)
set accounting commands enable all stop-only
Accounting set to enable for commands-all events in stop-only mode.
Console> (enable)
set accounting update periodic 120
Accounting updates will be periodic at 120 minute intervals.
Console> (enable)
show accounting
Event Method Mode
----- ------- ----
exec: stop-only
connect: stop-only
system: stop-only
config: - -
all: stop-only
Suppress for no username: enabled
Update Frequency: periodic, Interval = 120
Workstation A
Console port