DSL Interface Cards
Using POTS Splitters and Microfilters with an ADSL-over-POTS WIC (WIC-1ADSL)
To connect the Cisco HWIC-4SHDSLwith a DSLAM that supports two or four
modify the standard
cable, using one of the following diagrams as applicable:
Figure 72
shows how to modify the cable and connect the Cisco HWIC-4SHDSL with a DSLAM
that supports four
cable connections.
Figure 73
shows how to modify the cable and connect the Cisco HWIC-4SHDSL with a DSLAM
that supports two
cable connections.
Figure 72
Standard RJ-45 Connector to Four Standard RJ-11 Connectors
Figure 73
Standard RJ-45 Connector to Two Standard RJ-11 Connectors
Using POTS Splitters and Microfilters with an ADSL-over-POTS
POTS splitters and microfilters apply to the ADSL-over-POTS WIC only. They are used on telephone
lines to ensure voice- and data-call quality. POTS splitters result in the best data and voice performance
when the router and the telephone are used on the same telephone line.
POTS Splitters
A POTS splitter (also called a
) is installed on a telephone line that is connected to both data
(high-frequency) and voice (low-frequency) devices. The splitter routes the high-frequency and
low-frequency signals on the telephone line to the correct device. Signals intended for the router can
disrupt voice calls; signals intended for voice calls can affect router operation.
Most splitters must be installed by the telephone company; however, some splitters can be installed by
the customer. If you are not sure what type of splitter to use, contact your service provider.
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RJ11 (line 3)
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RJ11 (line 0)
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RJ11 (line 1)
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