STEP B. Uninstall the software:
To completely delete iTriumph and remove all files related to it, please drag the below items to the Trash and
then empty the Trash. The path for each item is provided. The "~" symbol in a path denotes your Home folder.
For example, the path "~/Library" means you first select your Home folder in the Finder and then you select the
Library folder. This path is di
erent from "/Library" which is the main Library folder at the root level of your hard
The iTriumph Application
. The iTriumph application is stored at the following location on your computer
unless you installed it elsewhere:
Your Preferences
. These files contains your preferences and settings for the software. They are located at
the following location on your computer where ~ denotes your HOME folder:
Spotlight Metadata
. This folder contains Spotlight metadata that iTriumph automatically generates as
needed. It is located at the following location on your computer where ~ denotes your HOME folder:
STEP C. Delete your data:
Now that you've deleted all the files related to the application itself, you can delete the folder containing your
database(s) and the folder containing your backups. WARNING: These folders may contain your valuable data so
delete with care. To delete your databases and backups, drag the below items to the Trash and then empty the
Your Databases
. This folder contains both your local databases and the databases the software uses to
store copies of your cloud-based accounts. Your local database(s) contain the journals, contacts, and calen-
dars stored only your computer so delete with care. The databases containing your cloud-based accounts
may contain changes that haven’t been uploaded to the respective cloud-based service so make sure
you’ve synced all cloud-based accounts before deleting. The databases folder is stored at the following lo-
cation on your computer where ~ denotes your HOME folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Chronos/iTriumph Accounts
Your Backups
. This folder contains your Personal database backups so take care before deleting. It is
stored at the following location on your computer where ~ denotes your HOME folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Chronos/iTriumph Backups