CalDAV server you can specify how often iTriumph checks for new changes. You can also manually check for
new changes.
1) Choose iTriumph > Preferences > Accounts.
2) Select a CalDAV server.
3) Click Refresh Now.
4) Select how often you want iTriumph to check for changes made on the CalDAV server from the Refresh
pop-up menu.
1) Choose File > Refresh or File > Refresh All.
To enable/disable a CalDAV account:
There may be times when you don’t want to connect to a particular CalDAV account and have it show up in the
Calendars sidebar. You can temporarily disable a CalDAV account at any time without removing it from your list
of accounts and then re-enable it at any time as well.
1) Choose iTriumph > Preferences > Accounts.
2) Select the CalDAV account you want to enable or disable.
3) Check or uncheck Enable this account. The CalDAV account will appear/disappear from the Calendars side-
To take an account online/o
Normally when you make a change in a CalDAV account, the change is immediately synced to the CalDAV
server. There may be times, however, when you want to work o
ine and delay connecting to the CalDAV server
to sync changes. This may be the case, for example, when you have a poor Internet connection, no Internet
connection, or a billable Internet connection.
You can tell that a particular account is o
ine because the following badge will appear to the right of the ac-
count name in the Calendar sidebar.
You can take your CalDAV account o
ine whenever you want. When you take your CalDAV account online
again, all of your changes will automatically be synced with the CalDAV server and vice versa.
1) Choose File > Online Status > Take “You Account Name” Online/O
ine to take a particular account online/
ine. If an account is o
ine, you can also click the o
ine badge to bring it online again.
2) Choose File > Online Status > Take All Account Online/O
ine to take all of your CalDAV accounts online/
iCloud, Google, & Yahoo Calendar
iTriumph works with several popular CalDAV services that are commercially available including: iCloud Calen-
dar, Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, and fruux Calendar. All of these cloud-based services are based on
CalDAV technology. For your convenience, iTriumph has simplified setups for these popular services which work
like any other CalDAV account as described in the previous section.
To set up these popular CalDAV accounts: