Delete Only This Task
. Choose this option if you only want to delete this one occurrence of the task.
The task will remain on all other days.
Delete This & All Future Tasks
. Choose this option if you want to delete all occurrences of the task
from the selected task forward (including the selected task).
3) Click the option of your choice.
To reschedule a single occurrence of a recurring task:
You can reschedule a single occurrence of a recurring task without a
ecting the other days the task occurs on.
This is useful, for example, if you have you need to change the date you pay a monthly bill because you’ll be on
vacation when the task is regularly scheduled.
When you reschedule a single occurrence of a recurring task, a new task is spun-o
from the original recurring
task. The spin-o
task is linked internally to the original recurring task.
1) Double-click and edit the task on the day that you wish to modify. Or drag and drop the task to a di
day. A confirmation sheet will appear to let you choose one of several modification options:
Modify Only This Task
. Choose this option if you only want to modify this one occurrence of the task.
The task will remain the same on all other days.
Modify This & All Future Tasks
. Choose this option if you want to modify all occurrences of the task
from the selected task forward (including the selected task).
2) Click the option of your choice.
You can assign one or more alarms to an important event or task that you don’t wan to miss or forget. You’ll be
alerted by the alarm even if iTriumph isn’t running.
To set an alarm for an event or task:
1) Open the event or task.
2) Choose a type of alarm from the Alarm pop-up menu.
. Choose this option to not set the alarm.
. Displays a window on the screen with the alarm information.
Message with sound
. Displays a window on the screen with the alarm information and plays a sound
of your choice.
. Sends an email to an email address that you specify.
Open file
. Opens a file on your computer that you specify.
Run script
. Runs an Applescript that you specify.
3) Choose a time or date for the alarm.
4) To add another alarm, choose the type of alarm from the next Alarm pop-up menu.
To remove an alarm from an event or task:
1) Open the event or task.
2) Choose “None” from the Alarm pop-up menu.
To completely enable or disable ALL alarms: