4) Click Done.
To delete a calendar:
1) Select a calendar in the Calendars sidebar.
2) Choose Calendar > Delete.
3) Click OK.
Creating Calendar Groups
If you have a lot of calendars, managing them can become unwieldy. For example, there may be times when
you only want to view events from some of your calendars but not all of them. Going through your calendars
and turning them ON/OFF one-by-one can be cumbersome — especially if you have lots of calendars. iTriumph
solves this problem by letting you create a calendar group that can contains multiple related calendars. The
calendar group lets you quickly show and hide events and task from all the calendars in the group with a single
A calendar group appears with a black box in the list of calendar and the calendars belonging to that group are
indented below it.
To add a calendar group:
1) In the Calendars sidebar, click Get Info (info icon) to the right of the account in which you wish to create the
new calendar group. The Account Info window will appear.
2) Click New Calendar and follow the onscreen steps.
3) OR choose Calendar > New Calendar Group and then select the account you want to create the new calen-
dar group in.
4) Enter a name and description for the calendar group.
5) Click Done.
To add a calendar to the calendar group:
1) Drag and drop a calendar on top of the calendar group.
To remove a calendar from a calendar group:
1) Drag and drop the calendar outside the calendar group (but not in another calendar group unless you
want to move it to that group).
To show/hide the list of calendars in a calendar group: