Spelling, Grammar, Substitutions, & Transforma-
iTriumph contains many useful and convenient word processing features to help you when writing notes, jour-
nal entries, daily notes, etc. For example, you can easily spell or grammar check your journal entry, capitalize
text, or insert smart quotes.
To spell or grammar check text:
1) Choose Edit > Spelling and Grammar and then choose the spelling command that you need.
To use text substitutions:
1) Choose Edit > Substitutions and then choose the substitution that you need.
To use text transformations:
1) Select the text you want to transform (make upper case, make lower case, or capitalize).
2) Choose Edit > Transformations and then choose the transformation that you need.
Personal Database Backups
iTriumph can make regular backups of your personal database. This is a safety feature in case you inadvertently
delete some important information and need to restore a backup file.
WARNING: When you back up a database, all journals, contacts, and calendars in the database are backed up.
Likewise, if you later restore a database backup, it will completely replace the journals, contacts, and calendars
on your computer with those in the backup.
To set up automatic backups:
1) Choose iTriumph > Preferences > Backups.
2) Set the various backup options:
Automatically perform backups
. This option lets you choose how often iTriumph should make a
backup. By default, backups will be created on a daily basis.
Maximum number of backups to keep
. Enter the maximum number of backups to keep. When a new
backup file is created, the oldest backup file will be deleted so that the maximum number of backup
files won’t be exceeded. To permanently save a particular backup file, you must move it outside of the
backup folder or it will eventually be deleted.
Perform the backup
. When a backup is scheduled to take place you can choose when the backup is
actually performed. The default is to perform the backup when the software quits. If you a schedule a
backup for a specific time of day, the software does not have to be running for the backup to oc-
cur—your computer simply needs to be left on in an awake state.
Compression level
. Backups are compressed to save space on your hard disk, but compressing back-
ups take additional time. Set the compression level to none if you want the backup process to be as
fast as possible. Otherwise, the higher the level of compression you choose, the longer the backup will
Always ask before backing up
. This option lets you choose if you want a window to appear asking you
about the backup before starting the backup. This option is useful if you’re backing up when the soft-