In the current method, the Universal lens used is the standard
lens which CEI has been shipping since the Fall of 1997.
These lenses are identified by the letters XI included in the
serial number, e.g., XIG. The advantage of this method is
that the same lens is used in many other movie camera
To install either of the adapter systems,
1. Screw the Universal Lens into the CEI camera.
2. Mount the plate to the Compact using the two screws
3. Insert the lens and CEI camera into the clamp. Allow the
camera to rest on the plastic-coated foot, and tighten the lens
clamp using a 3/32-inch hex driver.
4. Use the lens controls to adjust image size, iris, and focus:
Use the color camera controls for image rotation and
centering. Be sure the iris is fully open when focusing the