appears as the last line in the display, instead of the scrolling
message. The multipurpose control is inoperative in the
AUTO mode.
When the Color Six is in MANUAL operation, the opening
screen lasts about 20 seconds or until the multipurpose
control is clicked. It is replaced by the first menu, which
shows camera information: the film footage counter, the
units for the counter, the film size, the camera frame rate and
the input voltage. The purpose and use of each menu will be
described in the following section of this manual.
Menus and Adjustments
The values set into adjustable parameters will be visible even
when that parameter is being operated automatically, but will
be grayed out unless it is the active value. Inactive values
may be adjusted, but the effects will not be visible until the
appropriate mode (e.g., Manual) is selected and the value of
the parameter changes to full brightness.
When the AUTO/MAN/HELP switch is momentarily set to
the HELP position, a help message will appear regarding the
underlined function
Camera Information Menu
The first menu displayed when the camera is powered up
shows information pertinent to the film camera:
1. Film Counter: The “R
” and the four digits that follow it
comprise the Film Counter. Briefly pressing and releasing
the multipurpose control will place a steady underline under
the first two digits: Turning the control will move the