hardware for the specific film camera. The Universal Optical
System incorporates a “zoom” lens, which makes moving
the Color Six from camera to camera simple, economical and
In some cases, such as with the Arriflex SR-3, a different set
of interface optics unique to the film camera must be used.
The Appendix to this manual contains the basic directions
for attaching the Color Six to various film cameras.
Before attempting setup, find your film camera model in the
Appendix for specific setup instructions. Make sure you
have the necessary optical adapter for the film camera.
See the Appendix: Verify that your film camera is among
those listed, and follow the mounting instructions. Mounting
and adjustment of the CEI Color Six will be easy, if the
instructions are followed carefully. The only tools required
are a 1/16-inch and a 3/32-inch hex driver.
Many variations of the mounting interfaces may be encoun-
tered in the field, even among the listed cameras. If this
manual does not cover that with which you are working, or if
your film camera is not listed, call CEI Technology for
additional information.
The optical interface to the Color Six uses a clamp mount. A
threaded insert (included with the video camera) will convert
the Color Six for use with the common C-mount threaded