Caution–Although the camera may operate
briefly with an input somewhat greater than
32 volts, prolonged operation is likely to result
in permanent damage.
Caution–Never connect both of the 3-pin con-
nectors to separate power sources at the same
The green LED above the POWER switch will blink if the
input voltage falls below 10 volts. The LED is driven
through the microprocessor, and a 2-3 second delay will be
observed after the POWER switch is turned on until the LED
initially illuminates.
The Color Six is internally protected against polarity rever-
sals: Nonetheless, every effort should be made to ensure that
battery polarity is correct before connecting the camera.
Caution—Connection to an AC source will
certainly damage (and may very well destroy)
the camera.
Video output
Two video outputs on the rear of the camera deliver NTSC
video to an external monitor or recording device. The “A”
connector is clean video only; the “B” connector will contain
the selected digital display used for monitoring or adjusting
the camera and the help messages that can be accessed from
each menu. This signal also drives the built-in LCD display.