Setup Adjustments
Camera setup may be considered as having two components:
External adjustments, which are largely mechanical in
nature, and Internal adjustments, which are performed using
the Multipurpose Control. These are described separately in
this section, in the approximate order in which they would
likely be made.
External Adjustments
Note–All of the following adjustments should
be made with abundant light entering the film
camera and the taking lens removed or defo-
cused. Adjustments should be made with re-
spect to the markings on the ground glass,
not to the scene in front of the camera.
Picture Rotation
Access to the rotating ring is gained through .1-inch wide
slot in the headpiece of the Color Six (see figure 1). A short
1/16-inch hex driver with a knurled end (normally stored in
the camera head) is inserted into the holes on the rotating
ring, which may then be turned through a range of about
Caution–Do not rotate the ring beyond its
normal range, i.e. beyond the last hole in the
Consult CEI Technology if the adjustment range is inad-
equate for your particular application.