The effect of turning the encoder depends on where you are
in the menu hierarchy. Starting from the higher level menus,
such as the one that follows the opening screen, turning the
multipurpose control scrolls through the other high level
menus. When you locate the one you want, click the control
to select it: If a lower level menu is available, it will be
displayed. In either case, the first possible selection in the
menu will be underlined: Clicking the control will select the
parameter and the underline will change from a static dotted
line to an animated one, in which the dots alternate from
white to black. When the animated line is displayed, the
underlined parameter may be changed by rotating the
control. Pressing and holding the control will return the
higher level menu: Clicking the control will return the
underline to its static state, and the parameter will be dese-
lected. Rotating the control clockwise at this point will move
the underline to the next parameter on the menu, if there is
one. If not, it will stop at the last possible selection. Turning
the control counterclockwise will underline each parameter
on the menu in reverse order until the first choice is under-
lined: Turning it one notch further will cause the message
display to disappear until the control is either rotated clock-
wise one notch or clicked again. Either action will display
the same menu.
It may seem complicated, but a little practice with the
multipurpose control will make you confident and comfort-
able with its use .