Frame Lines Setup Menu
The next menu allows the operator to select either from one
of eight sets of previously saved frame lines, to customize
one or all of them to his own liking, or to select none of the
Frame Lines
Each set of frame lines contains an “A” and a “B” frame,
either one or both of which may be displayed (A+B). A
fourth selection (#) displays a fixed grid in lieu of the
rectangular frame lines.
The area outside of the frame, or outside of both frames if
A+B is selected, is usually darker than the area within the
frames. The degree of shading is adjusted in the usual
manner using the SHAD function.
Preset frame lines are stored as “pages,” and may be pre-
viewed and displayed by selecting pages 1 through 7. An
eighth option, #, will display a nonadjustable grid. Pages 1
through 7 can be adjusted to the operator’s needs, and will be
saved in non-volatile RAM when a different page is selected.
Three parameters of the frame lines can be changed using the
ADJUST function:
1. The position of any edge of any frame,