Set All To Default Menu
When you just want to delete all the custom settings and start
over from the factory defaults, this menu makes it easy. One
click will display a cautionary message and the option to
CANCEL or PROCEED. Turn the control to underline
PROCEED and click it once again to complete the operation.
Run Demo Menu
A brief demonstration and explanation of the electronically
adjustable camera parameters is available by clicking on the
last high-level menu, RUN DEMO. The first screen shows
the operating hours log of the Color Six : The program then
steps through each menu in sequence, and activates and
changes each possible parameter. Scrolling messages de-
scribe the functions where it can be helpful. The demo can
be aborted at any time with a quick click or turn of the
multipurpose control.
ASA rating approximately 1500 with typical camera inter-
face, e.g. Arriflex 35-3, Arriflex door, AUTO frame rate,
AUTO gain control.
Video Resolution
The resolution of both video outputs is 768 x 494 pixels.
Input Signal Requirements
The shutter pulse, SMPTE Time Code and User Bits from
the film camera must be normal 5 volt logic pulses.