Arriflex 35BL
All Arriflex 35BL models can use the CEI Universal Optical
System, which comes provided with a lens holder and
threaded ring. A CEI Color Six V-to-BL prism adapter is
required, however.
To attach the Color Six to an Arriflex 35BL:
1. If attached, remove the clamp and threaded adapter from the
front of the lens.
2. Insert the front barrel of the lens into the clamp end of the
BL prism adapter.
3. Tighten the clamp.
4. Tighten the lens into the Color Six .
5. Mount the threaded end to the Arriflex BL.
6. Loosen the clamp again.
7. Loosen the 3/32 hex screws in the headpiece dovetail
adjustment on the Color Six .
8. Orient the Color Six as shown below.
9. Tighten the clamp to hold the Color Six in place. Overtight-
ening the clamp will result in interference with the size
adjustment ring. Loosen the clamp enough to allow size
adjustment, then retighten.
10. Tighten the headpiece dovetail adjustment.
If picture rotation is required, use the rotation ring near the
front of the Color Six (see page 8).