underline. Clicking again will animate the underline, and
then turning the control will change the underlined value.
Clicking yet again will set the selected value and exit the
adjustment mode, so the underline will again become
2. By repeating the above procedure, you can set all four digits
of the film counter, set the units display to FT (feet) or MT
(meters) and the film size to 16 or 35 mm. Note that chang-
ing the units of the film counter does not automatically
convert the amount of remaining film.
3. Turning the control one notch counterclockwise from its
initial position will underline the “R
”: At this point, a
single click will reset all four digits of the film counter to
4. You cannot change the FPS readout—this will count the film
camera frame rate when the camera is running (provided the
shutter pulse has been connected to the Color Six ).
5. Similarly, the battery voltage is a measurement of the DC
voltage supplied to the Color Six , and will change only as
the supplied voltage does.
Camera Setup Menu
The next menu offers quite a few options, as follows:
This is the video frame rate output from the color Six . The
options are
1. AUTO: In Automatic, the Color Six video frame rate will
synchronize to the shutter pulse and track the camera,