Cattron™ MP96/48 Series Portable Remote Control Systems
User Manual
Version 006
In the standard Cattron Portable Remote Control (PRC) System, all data communication is a type of one-way
namely, control information sent from the operator’s controller to the MP96 Series
receiver/decoder. With TALKBACK
, the receiver/decoder can communicate back to the controller via a
transmitter located on the R3HNX transceiver board. Up to 16 ON/OFF bits of information can be sent back to the
remote controller. These bits originate in the MP96 Series decoder and can be either External Event Inputs or
ASO Inputs. The received bits are displayed on the controller using up to 12 light emitting diodes and/or a Liquid
Crystal Display (LCD).
Your customized controller and PRC system drawings will show the exact operation of your control unit.
A typical example of TALKBACK
would be its use on an
overhead crane
, where the TALKBACK
enables status and external event information to be viewed on the controller. Because the PRC operator is not
required to climb the crane, or view the lights mounted on the crane to determine status, he or she is able to
assume a commanding view of the entire crane operating area. Some typical display indications for cranes are as
follows: Magnet Power ON, Magnet Lift ON, Operator ID Lights (pitch and catch), Mainline ON, Low Brake
Pressure, Direction Verification, Out of Range (with Range Limiter), ASO Fault, Latched/Unlatched, Aligned
(Zone), Hoist Limit Switch, Thermal Trip, and Under Voltage Trips.
4.11 MP96G2 Decoder Board
– Field Programmable Memory (EEPROM)
The Cattron MP96 system decoder has an Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM)
Integrated Circuit (IC) that allows a limited amount of field changes to be made to the operation of the system. If
enabled by Cattron application engineers, this memory device will store data that can be changed in the field.
A separate PC program must be written and used in order to set limits and allow the values to be changed into
terminology pertinent to the application. For example, outputs 1 through 7 may be selected to change the output
to a pulsed output that has a specific ‘ON’ time, ‘OFF’ time and ‘RUN’ time duration. Limits are discussed with the
user and incorporated into the PC program that downloads data to the Cattron MP96 system decoder.
4.12 Proportional Systems
The Cattron MP96 system is available in a proportional (stepless) format. This function is available for the
designated motor systems to allow the operator the same discrete
control of each motor as he or she would have
with the manual controls, which typically have a greater travel length than those of the portable remote controller.
Included as standard is an auxiliary function that allows a ‘creep speed’. This function re-calibrates the controller
so that full travel of the controller lever controls only the low end speeds of the motor.
Through the use of a ‘volt free’ potentiometer equivalent circuit, the controller is able to closely duplicate the
actual manual controls of a variable frequency drive or a manual control stand for a motor.
Low current, high current and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) capable systems are available. A high resolution
system is available as an option.