7 Sale Modes
Temporary PLU Data Change
The PLU/SHIFT key can be used to temporarily change certain PLU data. To activate this feature, make
sure that you are in REG, MGR or RPK mode. Press the ALT key and then the PLU/SHIFT key. The display
will change to the following:
From here you can enter the
temporary PLU data that you wish
to use. Press the PRINT key after
entering the appropriate data in
each field. The screen will return to
sales mode once you are done.
Once the screen returns to the sales mode, there is no way of knowing that the temporary PLU data is
being used. Simply pressing Clear, loading another PLU, or terminating & auto-clearing after a
transaction will clear the temporary PLU data.
< Temporary PLU Data Change >
Sell By Date : [ 10]Days
Cook By Date : [ 2]Days
Country of Origin : [ 0]Not assigned
Sales Message : [ 0] Message not Found
MGR Mode
MGR mode (Manager mode) works very similarly to REG mode except that you need a level 2
password to access MGR mode. Any sales mode features requiring a password (i.e. return, temporary
date change, etc) will not require a password while in MGR mode.
To access MGR mode, you can select option 2 from the Main Menu. The scale will prompt you for a
level 2 password. Enter the password and press the PRINT key. You will be in the MGR mode screen.
<MGR> 12:12:00 PM