6 Programming
By-Weight PLU
Screen 5 of 8
Screen 5 of 8
Sell/Cook By Dates: These are expiration dates that are numbered in days and added to the Packed
on date in order to be calculated. The packed on date is day 1.
Remember, at any time during PLU Creation, if you press the SAVE key you will save the current PLU’s
contents and return to the Department/PLU number entry screen.
Don’t forget that there are more screens left to fully complete PLU programming. The next screens add
UPC barcode numbers, Ingredients text, optional text, NutriFacts, and Frequent Shopper Discount data.
So if you are not interested in programming any of these features into your PLU’s, then you can stop
here by pressing the SAVE key and moving on to programming the next PLU.
If you do wish program UPC barcode numbers, Ingredients text, optional text, NutriFacts and /or Frquent
Shopper data, then you must proceed to the next screens of PLU programming located on the next
page. If not, press SAVE to use only the data you have already entered.
The next section looks like this:
( 5/8) < CREATE BY-COUNT PLU 11 >
Sell By Date : [ 20] days
Cook By Date : [ 20] days
( 6/8) < CREATE BY-WEIGHT PLU 10 >
Code: [ 10]
Barcode Type :[0]
Barcode Format:[1]
By-Weight & By-Count PLU
Screen 6 of 8 and
Non-Food Screen 3 of 5