6 Programming
required for food PLUs (
). This covers all By-Weight and By-Count
Custom: If you select the Barcode Format to be 0, then you can create your own custom format with
up to 40 characters. You can use Compressed Formatting to get more than 40 characters.
For example, a format string of “
” tells the scale that you want a format string with 42
alphanumeric characters which the scale will get from the TEXT 3 field of your PLU.
The next section looks like this:
By Count PLU
Screen 7 of 8
Non-Food PLU
Screen 5 of 5.
The Ingredients screen is identical for all 3 PLU types. You have up to 2000 characters of Ingredients or
Optional Text. You can split the 2000 characters into 3 sections and these 3 sections can print in
different font size, style, effects, and location on a label depending upon its format. Block 3 can also be
used to embed alphanumeric characters for a barcode.
If you wish to enter a <CR> carriage return, you must use press the ALT key followed by the ENTER key.
( 7/8) < CREATE BY-WEIGHT PLU 10 >
CHAR: 1 OF 2000
Block 1:[_ ]
Block 2:[ ]
Block 3:[ ]
( 7/8) < CREATE BY-COUNT PLU 11 >
CHAR: 1 OF 2000
Block 1:[_ ]
Block 2:[ ]
Block 3:[ ]
( 5/5) < CREATE NON-FOOD PLU 12 >
CHAR: 1 OF 2000
Block 1:[ ]
Block 2:[ ]
Block 3:[ ]